We have established an ability to develop unique, cost effective and practical solutions for challenging problems and concerns. We pride ourselves on finding economically viable solutions, whilst assisting our clients as partners. Although we are currently based in Durban, Ecosafe covers a geographically diverse client base including Southern, Central and Northern Africa, as well as outlying islands.

Our Risk Assessments provide a working procedural document, which promotes responsible management of all on site water systems and the effective monitoring and control of the waterborne pathogen – Legionella

  • Risk recognition / identification
  • Risk control / mitigation management program
  • Ensure resources are targeted on “high risk” areas
  • And Risk review.

All Legionella Risk Assessments, management plans and monitoring exercises are in line with the the U.K’s Approved Code of Practice & Guidance Document for the Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems, the “ACOP L8”, The British Standard BS 8580:2012 Water Quality – Risk Assessments for  Legionella Control – Code of Practice, the South African Guidelines SANS 893 Legionnaires’ Disease – Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water (Part 1 – Risk management and Part 2 – The Control of Legionella in Water Systems) and the US document, Minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems, the “ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000”.

Ecosafe has developed a Legionella specific risk rating matrix, integrating the:

  • Legionella Causation Chain
  • Ecosafe’s extensive knowledge of Legionella bacteria
  • Ecosafe’s extensive knowledge of Legionella management standards/guidelines
  • And essential knowledge on systems that have an intrinsic risk for Legionella proliferation and dissemination.

The extrapolated risk scores and profiles will provide the basis for determining priority actions and control programs following the risk assessment.

  • Ecosafe is a member of LAG, the Legionella Action Group.
  • Ecosafe is a member of WISA, The Water Institute of South Africa.
  • Ecosafe Operations Manager, Mr Jay Moodley, currently sits on the SABS committee SC 147B: Water – Microbiological & Biological Treatment & Assessment of Water (responsible for developing SANS893-1 and SAN893-1)

As part of our ongoing commitment to provide our current and future clients with a standard of service second to none in the African region for effective management and control of the risk of Legionella Bacteria, Ecosafe have produced a commitment to the values of the Legionella Control Association (UK) Code of Conduct for Service Providers. We intend to provide a hard copy of this commitment to each of our clients in the near future for filing in the site Legionella Logbooks.